The impact of our human activities and lifestyles dates back decades. Now that nature’s falling short, can we still pay heed to all the warnings? Join us to understand how we still can make a difference.

Climb. Run. Ski. Surf. Dive.

Ready to dive into a massive pool of adrenaline? Cozy up far away in the middle of nowhere? So calm and serene – where the only sound is your breath and the rustling of the leaves?

The world turns on a dime, and we don’t even see it coming. Or, even better, we choose to ignore it until it hits us with the tremors of an earthquake.

We know how the polar ice caps are melting, the temperature soaring, and ocean levels rising. One short walk to the market will pack you with the grime of mud and ozone with the finishing touch of carbon- for
which a face mask is a welcome accessory.

The only constant to let this planet survive is balancing our lifestyles. It’s easy to get preachy about all that’s wrong with the world, how a million cars per household are plain theatrics, and how the polar bear
has turned into a rare sight. But, what’s the real solution?

Loving the outdoors, the vast oceans, or experiencing the fuzzy goodness of reaching a summit is plain beautiful. To add the delight of spotting exotic species, running off into the wild, or chatting with a giant turtle. What can keep this alive is a lifestyle that sustains it.

Planet-loving, capsule wardrobes are a growing and welcome trend. Preferring high-quality basics and clothes that can be modified in various ensembles is a green step towards a healthy planet (while also
helping us recycle the mountains hoarded in our closets).

Moving around, choosing the bike when one can- depending on one’s body’s rhythm and the terrain under is an oxygenating cure for Mother Earth.

Nature always questions our balance, and it’s time we listen.
Another way to reduce our carbon footprint is purchasing carbon offsets- which happens to be a great attempt to mitigate individual or commercial energy usage. When one buys an offset, they’re funding
projects that reduce emissions, whether planting trees, restoring forests, or updating power plants.

In addition, these offsets are a great way to participate in initiatives and projects trying to reduce carbon use and other forms of dependent energy in place of natural alternatives.

The seas have been howling with their rising magnitude and before we submerge, it’s time to unsnooze.

Whether you plant a tree, opt for a carbon-reducing travel experience, or buy an offset, you’re one step closer to improving this world. In other good news, passion-loving brands such as Patagonia choose to
go completely carbon-neutral in all they do. In addition, there are companies using plastics from beaches and shores that would otherwise end up in the oceans to create laptop parts and are taking recycling
pretty seriously.

It’s time for a wake-up call, for which David Attenborough is the world’s Green pal. His eye-opening, masterpiece creations are motivation enough to reflect deeply and make a change. Watching his
creations throws storms and tsunamis before you, making you do more than wonder. Also, the best thing about his documentaries is how they don’t just talk about all that’s wrong but share practical solutions to
make a change.

In A Life On Our Planet, one of his most-watched documentaries, the celebrated naturalist reflects upon both the defining moments of his lifetime and the devastating changes he has seen. With it comes hope
for future generations as Attenborough reveals the solutions to help save our planet from disaster.

Even after all this, we can still make it right.
So, let’s get loud for our right to a cleaner, healthier planet.
Let’s fight for our right to help the world get better, one small step at a time